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3D interactive projection billiards

3DInteractive projection billiards ARInteractive induction billiards Entertainment billiard projection technology cool fish pond billiard table, the product supports a variety of special effects to interact with the experience, whether it is on the screen, the background sound effects, have reached an astonishing degree, the projection device hanging on the top is used to project the image effect to the desktop. When the participant walks to the projection area, through the system identification, when the visitors experience the billiard interaction, various interactive effects will be combined with the sound effects and film and television footage to produce various special effects as the participants play the ball. The virtual billiard projection system is an interactive projection project that integrates virtual simulation technology and image recognition technology. The project includes water ripple, flipping, collision, erasing, avoiding, following and other manifestations. Increase the entertainment in the process of billiards, enhance the attractiveness of billiardssize: 2.8×1.6m